Thursday, March 02, 2006

You have got to laugh.

This guy has been banned from car parks because he is a car thief. Read more here. Typical really. The fact that stealing cars is illegal already and therefore the additional charge of 'being in a car park' won't have much sway really on his decisions.

Perhaps if we were to suggest 10 years next time he steals a car we won't have to worry about watching him in car parks.

A spokesman for Northumbria Police said: "We hope that this order has reassured members of the public and helps protect people who park their cars."

Err, Nope. What a tosser. A typical ineffective reaction to lack of punishment for existing crimes.


At 6:30 pm, Blogger Mark said...

The report says he was 'prolific' in his chosen career. Perhaps imprisonment should be equally prolific.

Trouble is, as a tax payer, we are caught between a rock and a hard place. If he goes to prison, then we have to pay for his accommodation, - which doesn't come cheap.


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