Friday, December 16, 2005

Where are basic morals in our leaders?

I was reading this article and thinking to myself that it was about time someone actually came out with something positive on this situation. It is good to hear that so many people in the US Government actually feel that this is wrong and are putting pressure on Bush and his bunch of vicious lying scum followers. This article was just what we needed to show that us Westerners had some basic morals after all.

But, Wait! Reading some of the other blogs with people that seem to have a greater understanding of some things It appears that there were some things not mentioned in the article I read and so I have misinterpreted what is being said. In all the small print it's all to do with the definitions around who does the torturing and who ordered it. Also 'If someone gets accidentally tortured they can still use the information.' WTF! Read more here. Did nobody learn from Nuremberg? Is it not the case that following orders is not an excuse? Unless you are American! Of course, Nobody prosecutes an American except other Americans. It's about time we stopped extradition to the US until they joined in on the same terms as the rest of us.

In the meanwhile the US are probably the worst for this 'at arms length torturing' and are getting the whipping for it. We must not forget our Government are certainly not innocent in this matter. They should not get away with it either.

Politicians! No wonder we hate them. And they seem to have gotten a lot worse over the last few years. Maybe it is just me.

What is the difference between a rat run over on the road and a politician run over on the road?

There are skid marks in front of the rat.


At 11:42 pm, Blogger Mark said...

The whole issue of Extraordinary Rendition stinks. They just don't seem to understand that the whole basis of what they are doing is morally wrong. Our Government is just as culpable in the way it has just looked the other way.

Interesting blog, I'll be visiting again soon


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