Sunday, November 20, 2005

The KISS Principle. Too complicated for Government.

The more complicated the plumbing the easier it is to block up. - Scotty, Star Trek.

The KISS principle. Keep It Simple Stupid.

But, like all Government systems in their haste to screw us out of every penny they make a system so complicated that the users don't understand it but that doesn't matter because they will always claim it back, the public don't understand it and are scared to get it wrong so they don't get their entitlements and the criminals find the loopholes and abuse it. Amazingly enough, the only people that lose out are honest people. You and me. Again and again. Read my own experience here.

The National Audit Office has had a look and concluded what we have all known for decades. System is too cumbersome and should be simplified. Read more here. Will anything happen? Not under this Government, they like complication. It keeps more employed.


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