Saturday, November 19, 2005

So what?

I was reading an article about Iran having some nuclear weapons data. Read here.

It seemed to be being used by some as evidence that Iran was being helpful and by others that it was using the data to build one.

Now I don't know about you but I am aware of higher educational establishments in the US who have access to such data plus have the capability of building nuclear weapons. Are all these places to be closed or access to Americans only? Wait, was McVeigh not American. The only real difficulty is obtaining the nuclear material.

The material has to be processed and partly as a by product of a nuclear reactor. This is the fear with the nuclear reactor. Iran has decided nuclear power is the way to go. Why should the west's fear that they will use the material stop progress in Iran. There must be a way forward such as permanent western inspectors monitoring the material and fully paid for by the west.

It's our interference in what people see as their own business that causes the west to be hated. Why should we police the world?


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