Thursday, October 13, 2005

It didn't work before but let's keep trying.

Got to love the consistency. There are plans afoot to limit airgun sales to registered dealers. That of course will only be the start. This hobby will go the same way as handguns with none being allowed and rifles restricted unless you are licensed and approved.

All triggered, sorry about the pun, by the unfortunate death of one boy in Scotland by a dozy man who is now, rightfully, in jail. Although probably not for long enough. Best bit is, at 27, the killer would still be able to buy a gun with these new laws in place and so it proves, yet again, that the target for this is not what is being shouted about but a more systematic policy of discrimination against all who believe in this sort of hobby.

It's because air guns are seen as a weapon by the authorities and a death is seen as a totem for them to dance around while they call for more and more restrictions to be placed on all weapons.
Soon the only hobbys left will be reading, approved books of course, and jigsaw puzzles.

Well, I'm off to buy an air rifle and pistol while I still can. I'm not falling into the trap of being left out again.


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