Wednesday, October 19, 2005

I don't understand they say. It's because you can't see outside the blinkers.

I was reading this report about one of the July 7th bombers. It spoke quite well about Mohammed Sidique Khan's integration into Western society, how he was know as Sid and how they could not understand his behavior leading up to the 7th July bombings. Plus, they had concerns about the wall of silence.

I was a bit concerned about that. I think I understand in a way and can even see the chain of events that could lead to the bombings. Not that I agree with the bombings but I can see how you can justify them in their minds. And, I can understand the wall of silence. Why can't they?

First of all let’s start with his conversion to Islam. His parents didn't force him to go nor did they ensure he grew up with a strong faith. Sounds OK because he chose his own way as every single one of us do. The gay boy whose father disowns him wasn't forced or encouraged, the robber whose parents never stole in their lives. All of these are people growing up and making their own choices based on what they believe they can do and get away with. We all have a line we will not cross. For each of us it is in a different place. He listened, believed and was converted. The same as many others convert over their lives, Cat Stevens for example. Both to and from Islam.

Being a believer in Islam is one thing but being a bomber is a step further. Not however too big a step as we would think. When Iraqi massacre II started. Many were outraged. It was seen by many as an aggressive move into the oil fields of the Middle East with the plus of revenge for GW Bush. Bliar and the others followed like puppies when they knew that Iraq was no threat to us. Some people, myself included, felt so outraged we talked about it a lot and pointed out how our country is ran by liars and war criminals. Others, like Sid, decided to take more drastic steps. Why the difference? Well I have kids and a job, so does Sid. I have a loathing for our political elite, so does Sid. I don't know what lies after Death and consider death to be an ending. Sid did and, regardless of whether his beliefs are right or wrong, he just knew that it was simply a step on a path. Death is just the beginning type of philosophy. He was making a point just like I was.

He has crossed a line I have not yet reached. I'll write about it and whine to everyone I know but I'm not ready to give my life up yet. Sid was prepared to give his life up and did.

The choice of target is logical in many ways. Many see the British people as condoning the attacks on Iraq. Mainly because when the opportunity arose we voted them all back in. Plus, there are certain facets in our society that actually believe what our politicians say. They believe Iraq is behind 911, has hidden WMD and organised the attacks on our society. They believe so much they are willing to commit our armed forces into their country to fix it. Would they be willing to go themselves? That is an interesting question. Some people are and do, some abroad where the fight is, some bring it here. Plus we kill innocent civilians, partly because we can't tell the difference, partly because we don't care. So civilians it is and they are seen as an easy target. After all most are without the protection of an ID card, although exactly how that works is beyond me at this point.

Others see politicians as the targets. However, I think they perceive politicians to be too well protected. No simple ID card for them. They have SAS, SO19, dragon’s teeth, protective cordons plus the ID card. The Fathers 4 Justice and Pro Fox Hunting protestors attacks in the House of Commons has shown how difficult it is to really protect a group of people who are prepared to do a bit of planning and preparation. A few individuals maybe but a whole group.

The wall of silence. Would you speak openly to someone about your children knowing that to do so could add them to a list which could easily lead to their deaths or arrest and imprisonment without charge? Nobody wants to believe their children would do anything bad. But at the same time they don't want anything to happen to them. I'm a bit concerned my son doesn't speak to me about everything he used to. Does that mean he is considering terrorism? Most likely not but any concerns are enough for a stay at Her Majesty's pleasure. I think I'll just keep quiet about any concerns I have. Journalists are certainly not impartial. The number of cases where they have given evidence and their increasing casualty count shows that they are not considered so either.

Each incursion into our freedoms and atrocity committed brings everyone that little bit closer to their own line. Some will never reach it, but, more and more will. If I ever reach my line and life has less meaning then I'll not be blowing up civilians. Where is the nearest CSA office? Being law abiding means I can't get a gun. When that restriction is removed it seems that anyone can get one.

If people always paid a price for their decision then maybe, just maybe, they would be a little bit more careful on what they did. That is the basic theory behind all our laws. I have to consider every time I do things, even nowadays bringing up children have long term implications on your freedoms. Every move I make when driving can be scrutinized with 20/20 hindsight and I can be punished financially or restriction on my freedom such as going to jail. Unfortunately, none of these bombers have to worry about that. They are long gone to where they can't be touched.

Every action has a reaction, except, of course, for our leaders. The worse they can hope for is lack of votes or someone writing bad things about them. But, it can't continue forever. Nazi UK is not too far away and we are walking with our eyes open.

A group of 20 prepared to give up their lives, if necessary, with a strong leader. This country could be changed completely. And there seems to be hundreds of people willing to die for a cause.

It won't be long before we have our own Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg. That will be an interesting day. The world would change.


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