Thursday, October 05, 2006

Climate Change. Just a thought.

Just found this article on Climate Change which talks about the first rumblings of change. Read here. It's just some more data contradicting the current CO2 model.

I was thinking after I read this that similar thoughts had being theorised in the past and yet nobody has mentioned these as any way being something to consider in our headlong dash down a CO2 reduction path.

Then it hit me! Of course not. The reason these b4$^4&ds don't want to look at any other theories is simple. I don't know why it had not occurred before. It is exactly what they have been looking for. Something that they can use as a reason for us being taxed more and having to put up with restrictions or travel and fuel with dozens of policies we won't like. In 15 years when it comes time for delivery on all the promises and the benefits of our sacrifices they can then point out that the scientists were wrong, not them, the scientists and they couldn't deliver because we can't do anything to change it but they tried. They had noticed no difference and had set up a study which has been running a few years using real world data and not our fag packet calculations.

In the meantime their pet projects, companies and bank accounts are fat with our ecotax money and we are now used to being taxed for exhaling and farting. Wind farms are in everyone's back yard and we no longer eat red meat or travel abroad.

It's win win for them. No delivery required, funding for everyone and someone else to blame. All the parties would like a bite of that cherry so no one is upsetting the wagon. It's the best thing to heaven a politician can get. Even after they are dead they will all be heading downwards.


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