Monday, August 28, 2006

Do gooders. They will be the death of our entire culture.

I was sitting in the car waiting for the kids and thinking about the hell hole the UK has become earlier today. My ramblings started when I was watching a music video on a big TV across the way and in the video a broken mirror was covered by the blocks reserved for squealers on crime shows. I think I see the end in sight.

Our most influential pressure group nowadays are the do gooders. The ones that say 'I don't see why anyone would want to do that' This then changes when there is little resistance to 'Because I don't want to that Let's ban this as I think there is no reason to do that'. Throw in a few 'It's for the children' and 'Even if it saves one life' and wham we have another nail in the coffin for freedom. Currently our most powerful set of do gooders is our current government. It has employed droves of people to check ratios of black against white, ensure that adverts don't say this and that what we watch doesn't breach the moral opinions of a select few. It's even got to the stage when we are not allowed to offend anyone. If there is one complaint then it needs to be stopped dead. A new law every day they have been in power says a lot.

It's been crossing yourself, England flags, guns, air rifles, conger eels and the McDonalds special burgers for starters. It's smoking, driving, drinking and talking. It's the emphasis on forcing employers to take on people who if they were not of colour do not have the skills necessary to get a particular job. It's the emphasis on rehabilitation of criminals and removal of our rights to defend ourselves. It's also the editing of the past to remove anything we find offensive now. Take Tom and Jerry. A big corporation caved in to one complaint. It's sticking their noses into everything and with little or no benefit. It's death of a million cuts.

Now the annoying part is that when you look at each cut individually they actually make a little bit of sense. We should be careful what we show our children about smoking. We should make sure our childrens lives are safer. Why do people actually need guns in suburbia for home defence? Why should people have to put up with insults and predudice because of the colour of their skin? Why should we have to breath other peoples smoke? It's all good stuff and is difficult to argue against without making yourself out to be some sort of irrational bigot. So we all moan and talk a lot but for each issue there are usually only a few people impacted. Nobody cares about them after all they are only a few selfish odd bods. There can't be anyone in the UK not impacted by a new rule now. Although half of them don't know it or believe it does not impact them. So people moan about things and them vote these clowns back in for more of the same. Mainly because most of our politicians are all cut from the same cloth with only a few differences. What really is the difference between Blair and Cameron? Remind me again why our system is better than the others. Especially after the example of the last 10 years.

So what is the real problem?
The first and main one is that none of us actually live in the Utopia that our current leaders seem to think. For example, the population need protection from the evil doers and the common criminal. To remove the capability of self protection and leave a void just leaves the general population without protection. Of course our current leaders are well protected. They are surrounded with people armed and ready to protect them as they drive by the riff raff. The only view they have of crime is what they read in books and the papers and they believe it is a load of fiction or a few isolated cases. The never have to face up to the consequences of their decisions. They don't live in the areas where all the criminals are. They don't get attacked when bad guys strike out in revenge. Imagine how it would be if 'Well John, your recommendation that 'The Kiddie Fiddler and killer' Mr X is allowed out on probation is excepted. We have set him up with a flat next to your daughter and grandkids.'

The second is that when they look at changing something they never ever seem to gather all the facts and make a reasoned decision. It is all knee jerk and made to fit several agendas. The repercussions are never thought out. I find the recent discussions on rape cases a good example. If you remember it seems that of the rape cases reported only a small percentage of them led to convictions. Our wonderful leaders jumped into the action and announced it was changing the law so the burden of proof was on the male because they were getting away with this terrible crime. Despite the possibility that quite a few of these were simply women using this as a tactic against ex-husbands or boyfriends as leverage over money and they may have low convictions because they were prosecuting on one persons word against another. Why was it not looked at for the real reason rather than someone's opinion? Our latest bit of good news is shoplifters won't go to jail. What dimwit thought of that? Is it someone hired to make a quota? We will never know.

They are intent on turning each and every one of us into a society of mindless robots with no soul and with no thoughts to the future of our country. All at the lowest common denominator. After all, what has Blair got to worry about, him and his family will be in the states in a few years with well protected and with cushy jobs.

To make matters worse it seems that power has already been handed over to this massive unelected organ called the EU. It too is hell bent on changing Europe from one of the most enlightened and intellectual places on earth to be a third world continent. From the influx of barely literate immigrants who have no wish to integrate but turn us into a outpost of their homeland where their loyalties really lie to reducing the existing populations into rule following drones. Where is democracy in this behemoth?

Will this not sort itself out? Won't we eventually throw the yoke and the wheel turn full circle? I don't think so because we won't have time. These do gooders are making our society one that will be unable to resist the take over from the middle east. We are sleepwalking into a dream world that does not exist and by the time we wake up it will be too late.

As our American friends keep on saying. If Europe continues the way it is going it will soon be a djimmi state. Of course if we do get our act together and kick out these do gooders from positions of power there is always a more active way for the threat from another culture. This is from the US but there are more than a few here and if you don't think so then try catching up with recent events.

I don't want my kids to grow up in a society where the girls have to cover everything but their eyes. Where freedoms are restricted to what time you eat your breakfast and life expectancy is based on rank. I'm leaning towards sorting out the do gooders quickly. If they shut and go peacefully we may not even have to kill them. We can then get out of the EU which will collapse under the weight of it's own ineptitude. We can then ensure that immigrants integrate like they used to and preparing ourselves for the real threat we face from the middle east. Unfortunately, because of the way it will happen the chances are it will be a massive overreaction and people who have integrated will find themselves persecuted in the short term. If we stop the rot from within we may not even have a big issue to deal with from abroad. If we can't sort it out then we have spent a lot of money on nuclear weapons over the years. Might be classed as overkill but we don't want to put any of our countries defenders at risk nor do we want to leave any potential new recruits. We can always drill for the oil through the glass.

I believe most catastrophes are cascade failures. It's where one thing on it's own is a problem but it only gets to be a catastrophe because there is something else in the mix. This is one of these. We can handle either by various means and they would get sorted out but together they can bring down our entire culture. That would be a catastrophe and we need to act. Sooner rather than later. I don't see it being done peacefully either. Maybe finally our leaders will see some feedback for their actions.


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