Saturday, August 26, 2006

I'm a manager not an administrator. I think.

I'm getting fed up at work at the moment. I'm covering a couple of projects this month on another Account while people are on holiday. I was warned off the Account as it wouldn't suit me but I thought because I had finished my last project I could do this as a stopgap and stop myself getting bored. After all it was only four weeks. Boy was that a mistake. I'm three weeks in, only a week to go, and so far all I have done is fill in 'quality' paperwork and forms. The only exception is I interviewed three people on the phone for roles in India. That is it. It seems to be the way the job is going. It's getting to the point where some people can't actually do the job but they are great with the processes and paperwork so people don't really notice until near the end. A new sub culture. Anyway, I'm really frustrated with these as I'm an old fart that likes to get my teeth into things. It doesn't make me popular.

The only plus side is that I have not had to work as many hours for the last few weeks as I normally do and I've done less hours over the last few weeks than I have ever done in any two week period over the last six years working for this company. I actually finished at 16:00 for the last two Fridays and I have caught up with all my archiving, updated my CV and browsed the web, a lot.

I've been asked if I want to stay on the Account but I think when I said 'Nope' so quickly they got the idea.


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