Saturday, May 06, 2006

What if...

I love these what if scenarios. Read them here and vote for what you think you would do.

I am fairly consistent with these theoretical questions but in discussions with a guy a few years ago it became clear that the logical thought processes that went into the decision, if you can call my thoughts logical, would use a different set of circuits if the situation was real. The other thoughts going through while, in real time, you made the decision would take many, many more factors into account. In effect freezing your action unless it was black and white. Something like a politician was the guy on the track and there was a puppy on the other. The conclusion then was that in most cases inaction would be the result. Cold consideration over time would take place when time was available.

The one on the BBC site for the violinist was interesting. I wonder what the legal situation would be in that situation. What if, instead of a violinist it was Tony Blair?


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