Monday, May 15, 2006

Oh dear. Do I see a self defence plea.

It seem that our murdered PC took the knife she was killed with out of her own home. Read more here.

I seem to remember that the one who escalates the situation is the one at fault. So walking out of your house with a knife when there seems to be no reason to do so could be interpreted as escalation.

I can see the defence now. My client defended himself from a knife attack. The woman was accidentally stabbed in the leg and knowing who would get blamed my client made a run for it. Of course he had no intention of doing any harm to the woman. Of course, the sad part is that this statement is probably true and looks like one loud mouth is facing a murder charge. Would the situation be as bad if she had not brought out the weapon? Imagine if it was you outside and an aggressive woman approached you with a knife.

This could easily be a case of accidental death. Guy won't go to jail. The politicians will talk about a criminal getting away with murdering a nice looking PC and although justice may be done it will not seem that way. We will have another knee jerk bit of legislation coming out where if you have a hoodie or the victim is a policeman then you will be found guilty without benefit of a trial.

It's going to get messy and justice may take another leap in the wrong direction.


At 9:36 pm, Blogger Jay.Mac said...

Maybe they'll try to ban long and pointy kitchen knives. A group of doctors has already made that recommendation the government.

At 11:42 pm, Blogger Bag said...

I remember reading about some chefs that said that long knives should be banned because ordinary people did not need them. I've just read in our local paper there is going to be a knife amnesty and asking people to turn in knives in case they fall in the wrong hands. It goes further and suggests you search your kids room and talk to your friends. I'm going to put it in my blog tomorrow.


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