Monday, April 10, 2006

Maybe I just don't understand politics.

One thing I am sure about though is you don't walk up to the looney in the street and threaten him. He might walk away but you would most likely be visiting hospital for rabies jabs.

It's what seems to be happening to Iran. Innuendoes, undoubtedly sanctioned leaks and disinformation, are being fed to the world. Read more here.

The Iranians must be moving stuff all over the place and preparing to retaliate. I know I would be if I was in their position. However, diplomacy doesn't seem to be one of their strong points. Hope they don't decide that a US strike is inevitable and decide they will go first. You never know what they have available and they all seem willing to use it and die in the attempt.

Alternatively, once it's all in the place they may decide that they may as well use it anyway. Israel is likely to be a good target for them for that. While we bomb the hell out of Iran in retaliation and they encourage an uprising in the whole Muslim world and set the world alight for Allah.

I'm sure our politicians have it all worked out. *cough*


At 1:49 am, Blogger Jay.Mac said...

There's also the chance that Iran could use its nuclear arsenal as a threat while conventional war is waged against Israel by other Arab nations.

Force may not be the ideal response to Iran's nuclear aspirations but diplomacy is getting us nowhere. One of their diplomats recently admitted that his only role was to string along the "Euro 3" during talks, giving Iran time to keep working.

World opinion doesn't seem to matter a jot to them.

What's the alternative?

At 5:26 pm, Blogger Bag said...

I agree diplomacy is getting us nowhere. The problem I have is I don't believe we should be stopping others acquiring nukes when we hypocritically have thousands in the west. Therefore I don't think we should start something because someone else might start something at a later date if they manage to get them to work.

I'm getting to the belief that we should be prepared to use our nukes and say that if anyone attacks our allies then we will wipe them off the planet. And be prepared to do it. No tactical strikes no infrastructure strikes complete and utter devastation.

Of course we now need a lot more weapons including lots of smaller ones in the UK if we want to do that.

Hurray, we have saved our arms manufacturers from the poor house.

At 1:05 pm, Blogger Jay.Mac said...

The problem with that is that the Iranian may go ahead and use their weapons irrespective of any threats of retaliation from the West.

By then Israel may be entirely destroyed and the rest of the Arab world threaten us with action if we attack Iran.

What then? Do we go ahead and attack Iran only to begin a war with the rest of the Middle East, or do we meekly accept the deaths of those in Israel for the sake of "stability"?

It may be hypocritical for us to have nukes and say no one else can- but would you be happy with the world standing by while Saddam Hussein developed neuclear weapons? Would you have felt the same way about the Taliban getting them when Al Qaeda was rooming in Afghanistan?

The problem with Iran getting them is that they are sponsors of terrorism- and with frequent chants of "Death to America" and a more recent threat to see to the demise of Britain, are you still happy for them to develop nuclear weapons which may one day be used by terrorists in New York or London?

We're at a critical point now where we may be able to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power. If we do nothing, the results could be terrible. Are hundreds of thousands of deaths a reasonable price to pay for not being hypocrits?

At 10:31 pm, Blogger Bag said...

And that is the big issue. Unfortunately, I believe that we should not attack a country because of what it might do if it manages to develop the capability of WMD. Jeez. If that was the case I think we should all be attacking the US now. They are the most likely to use nukes. They know they are untouchable.

I believe it is inevitable that a terrorist state, besides the US, gets nukes. We just have to ensure that they won't use it by making them aware of what will happen if they do.

If Iran does attack anyone then all we can do is retaliate and wipe them out. Let's make it plain up front and turn all their sand into glass. If the others want to join in then as Bush said 'Bring it on.' There is always room for more glass. We can tunnel in from the side to get the oil.

Oh and screw them that say that {country} condemns the terrorists but their people are involved.

I'm actually starting to lean towards wiping out the whole middle east if any western country gets hit. The whole thing. Let's not treat them any differently. These fanatics just won't stop once they start. So once they start the big ball rolling let's just wipe them out and end it. Screw those that call for a stop. Let's programme the whole thing and just hit the button so it will all be over in a couple of days. No tactical strikes just one big fallout cloud.


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