Thursday, December 08, 2005

A matter of opinion.

Reading this article about the guy shot in the US with a suspected bomb. Read more here. It's beginning to sound like he may have had a mental problem but why did he miss his meds if they were so important? It appears he died for nothing. I'm sure it will all come out in the investigation. Although so far I'm leaning towards an unfortunate series of events leading to a sad conclusion.

In the meantime I had a bit of a smile with these statements.

From a passenger; 'They (The Air marshals) put a gun to the back of my head...'

From the Airline 'none of the other passengers were affected or were ever in danger'

Well, I would certainly not have put money on any passengers not being in danger. A nervous twitch of the head or a slow response and bam! Maybe he meant danger from terrorists.

Puts you right off air travel. I wonder what the numbers are like now. If it wasn't for all the military flights I bet the US would be in a better position regarding Kyoto.


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