Thursday, November 24, 2005

What a prima donna

Liam Donaldson our chief medical officer considered quiting because he was not listened to by our Government. Read more here. How sad for him. Now he knows what we feel like even though it looks like he has bullied his views into the public over the last few years.

If he is so much of a prima donna that he has to have everything he says followed or he would resign then he can't be much of a negotiator as he is clearly not into compromises. He should resign anyway.

Why do we let these self opinionated and inflexible idiots be put in these positions of power.

The next thing we know he will be threatening to resign unless obese people are kept in little cages until they slim down to just overweight. Then 20 years later is will be overweight people in little cages.

Don't worry it's all for your own Good.


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