Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Reality starts to bite. Not us yet but it will soon.

Oh, what a surprise! Police need more funding with the new laws they have to regulate. This plus our new KGB style homeland security force and the increased detention costs not even taking into consideration 90 day detention. How did they think they were going to fund all this? Such is the thought process behind our Government. A combined IQ normally associated with microscopic pond life.

Here, I have an idea. To ensure our Police can do these important tasks within the same funding they have now why don't we stop prosecuting some of the lesser crimes. Like burglary, road stops and drunk driving. Oh, wait a minute we are already not doing them. Burglars get a slap on the wrist if we can be bothered. There are fewer road stops and checks for unsafe vehicles and drunk drivers because we can make more money, Oops, sorry, more effective use of our money by automating things. So they are already covered. So we are looking at violence then. How about if you hit someone but it only causes a visit to hospital, must be loads of them. That would save some costs.

I would suggest the crimes that impact the least people but that surely would exclude terrorist attacks and most of the ASBOs they want to concentrate on. How many drunks so we have in a day who kill or hurt someone. How many are killed by terrorist attacks, excluding those we put in the line of fire? What are people main concerns? Life and limb. What do we do to protect them? Nothing. We are too busy ensuring nobody shout out at our lords and masters while they are giving a speech. What do they do to ensure we can defend ourselves? Nothing, because we might hurt one of the bad guys. That's a No No. Their lives are more important than ours. They have to make a living somehow.


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