Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Iranians don't like Israel. What a shock.

Could this false surprise be the start of the public opinion push against Iran?

Let's face it there is nothing there that is new. Iran, and most of the other Arab states, would love to see Israel wiped out. At least these guys are being honest about their opinions. Unlike most of our politicians.

Look at what is happening over there. Israel gives up land as a compromise but they still want more. These people, who are getting our support, will not be happy until Israel is no more. If I was the Israeli PM I would have made a condition on giving up the land of terrorist attacks stopping and would now be taking them back. Unless there is a full agreement that the compromises are made to stop attacks then what is the point. This is what happens when world opinion is siding with the terrorists agenda. They see it as encouragement and each concession is a victory in a skirmish which will lead to victory in the battle. This way we will push Israel's backs against a wall and we know how they like to come out fighting. Let's see how those 250M+ Arabs do against the 10M+ Israelis especially now we have decimated one of their supporters. Israel would go without the US support but they would not go quietly.


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