Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Blind Justice.

I've always found it interesting the fact that Justice is blind. It weighs the facts and pronounces a verdict. It sound excellent. However, can we honestly say that today Justice is blind. A man assaults a youth. Charged and fined by a justice system that looks at basic facts. The mere fact he was defending himself is seen as irrelevant. Theoretically the youth is facing justice at another time. Sadly, this is unlikely today and I just don't see that as Justice.

So here is the jury from the Iraqi memo leak being told to put aside their views on Iraq and just look at the facts as a stand alone case. Read here.

All well and good but the real criminals, the ones who cost lives and a hell of a lot of money are not going to be facing any sort of Justice. Not even our pretend justice where they get some sort of slap on the wrist.

So we need people like these. people who are willing to take chances and let us know what is being hidden behind the Official Secrets Act and government red tape. Of course if their releases do threaten lives or are for political or financial gain then the law is there to deal with that. But whistle blowers. Funny how our government wants them to blow the whistle on friends, employers, neighbours and the general peasants but when it comes to them. Official Secrets you know.

And they call it Justice.


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